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Why do men sleep after marital relations? And how can this behavior be understood?


Dr. Serge Stoleru and his team conducted a study on the brains of men before, during, and after sexual intercourse, and discovered that men are biologically programmed to sleep after achieving sexual arousal.

According to popular images analyzed, the cerebral cortex in men enters a state of readiness for rest after arousal, where signals are sent to the rest of the brain to reduce sexual desire, and the release of serotonin and opiates begins, both of which play a primary role in promoting sleep.

In contrast, women are less prone to this phenomenon, as they release oxytocin and "confidence hormones" after arousal, which enhances their feeling of attachment and desire for cuddling and exchanging loving words. This biological difference can sometimes lead to misunderstandings between couples.

How can these differences be addressed?

  • For the man: Before you surrender to sleep, spend a few moments cuddling your partner and say For Her kind words or thanks for her performance. This simple act meets her emotional needs and strengthens your relationship.

  • For the wife: If you notice that your husband falls asleep immediately after intercourse, do not take it personally, as this behavior is completely natural and has a biological explanation. Try to understand his need for rest without insistence, because his body is designed differently than yours.

In the end, understanding and communication between the couple about these natural differences can strengthen the marital relationship and increase affection and harmony.